Thursday, January 3, 2008

Post 1: Misery

Post 1: Misery

Some people want to know what my sims are doing now so I decided this was the best way to go about sharing their antics. Yes, I could have accepted a section on a friends forum but not everyone who knows my sims is a member there, like wise at other forums I'm a member at a blog won.

Anyway, I will be blogging about my sims who are now living happily in Misery *giggles* yes, Misery...thats what I named their new neighborhood. For those that are new (why are you here? just kidding!) it all started in Pleasantview
(please excuse the mess, the pictures in the WTF post got scrambled at some point, the pictures in chapters 2-50 should be fine)

Then my main sim guy Steve Broke (born in Pleasantview, the grandson of Brandi Broke) moved to a new hood named Riverhaven and ended up in a 60something chapter story on a forum that is now closed :(

Riverhaven is where most of my current favorite 52 sims were born. They (clones of them) have now moved to Misery. They lost all their old family ties so last names have been changed. I kept the first letter of the new last names the same as the old last name. Some of my sims have also changed a bit ie; skintone, eye color, hair color.

At some point I may start a new story, if I ever do then I will probably just add chapter posts to this blog although this blog may end up covering another hood I have too (currently set-up but un-played).

Since 52 sims are way too many for me to actually play right now, I decided to start with a few and go from there. Most will get played at some point as kids grow up and need partners/spouses/lovers/whatever *laughs*

I will post some pictures but they will mostly be of the sims, a "who's who" type of thing and any random pictures I feel the need to share ;) I tend to ramble so you'll probably get some of the 'stories' that are in my head for most of them.

As a reminder to those that already know and to anyone new - I have the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'm pretty much housebound because of it. I don't have much of a life since I have no energy at all. I do what I have to do because I have to do it but frankly anything more then that had better be fun or I won't be doing it so if this stops being fun, thats it, the end. I will of course post and let everyone know, whether I'm just taking a break or stopping. I may at times rant about how rotten I feel *rolls eyes*

Anyway, Twins... don't you love them? and hate them too? *raises her hand* specially when they come in such numbers...

I've started playing 7 households... I'm playing each household by Season and I'm on the second round of play, with two more households to play. I forgot to take pictures of Samantha's household so they'll have to wait for the third round. The 7th household is being placed on hold for now.

Lacy Kilburn (Pleasure) let her boyfriend Willy Kettle (Romance) move in after she had already given birth to his two oldest kids (not twins). of course it had nothing to do with her needing help handling the kids (with no money or job) while pregnant by him for the 3rd time... She then gave birth to twins....

Thankfully Willy is now at the top of the Slacker career so they no longer have to worry about money. Willy is also perma plat :) He refuses to get engaged so it's good that Lacy only briefly wanted to marry him. (It dropped out of his Q right after I told him to propose engagement, twice!)

Heres the happy family *coughs*

The kids have grown a bit since the above picture, in order of age, we have:


and Metilda

and the Twins, Harly (shown with Lacy)

and Hailey (shown with Willy)

Next we have Tom and Naomi Cain (both Romance, I switched them to Family long enough to get them engaged & married). They have two (yes two) sets of Twins... Naomi looks so thrilled don't she? *laughs*

Their kids have grown since the above picture.

First we have the oldest Twins, Sabrina

and Simon.

The younger Twins, Jody

and Joey.

Now Tom is a randy bastard, he has not only a wife but a mistress. Her name is Rissa Shay (Family) and she is basically poor trash... Tom dosen't give her much except some fun in bed (and on the sofa) ...any time he gets a chance. Oh an he gets her pregnant *rolls eyes* First with one daughter, then another daughter...then Twin daughters *sighs*

Rissa thought Tom was going to marry her, he made lots of promises...then one evening she saw the ring on his finger when they were having some fun in bed. Apparently he forgot to remove it like he usually did.

He gave her a bunch of lies and a second bun in the oven that night. She continues to believe his lies (she is pretty stupid) and he continues to have his fun with her. Will she ever smarten up and find a nice single guy? ...that likes kids? *laughs*

again, they've grown abit. Heres the oldest, Amy

next is Elaine (was originally only going to post pictures of all the twins but changed my mind. I'll post better pictures of Amy and Elaine when they are older)

and the Twins, Dawn

and Darla ...shown with Rissa, yes, Tom got her pregnant again *sighs*

Twins, I love them & I hate them *sighs* I have only a few personal play rules.

1, if it isn't fun, change it so it is.
2, don't try for twins
3, don't end pregnancies if it is twins.

I play with ACR by twojeffs (autonomous casual romance), JM Pescados romancemod and many other hacks. I also use Quiet Pregnancy by syberspunk and I try very hard to not peek at the ACR pregnancy scanner or InSIMs pregnancy details thingy so most of the time, I don't know they are pregnant until they throw up (or in some cases when their belly pops out, although I have gotten pretty good at guessing by the needs dropping rate). If the women has had multiple woohoos when different guys then I also don't know who 'daddy' is ...course I have figured out that toddlers will ask 'daddy' (if mommy is busy) for a diaper change even if he dosen't live there and he will do it ;) I love hacks :D

Where was I? oh yes, Twins... the reason I am finally starting this blog *laughs*

Samantha Badore (Romance) (thankfully hasn't had any twins), has 3 sons, 1 by Taz, 2 by Arthur Moor and she is pregnant by Arthur (as punishment) I let Arthur (was Romance, now is Fortune) propose and although Samantha isn't happy about it, she did say yes so they are now engaged *laughs*

Samantha just wants to have fun and she thought Arthur would be a good babysitter while she went looking for that fun... Will Arthur catch her cheating on him?

back to Twins, in the next post (after I play them again and get pictures) you'll get to see;

Krystal Catino (I think she is Popularity, I'll have to double check) had some fun with Willy Kettle and ended up pregnant with twins... Then after giving birth to them and realizing she'd get no help from Willy, she turned to Taz Carr (Romance). He knocked her up (with twins, I peeked) and before she discovered she was pregnant, she asked him to move in. He thought it'd be nice to have a women on hand when he was to tired after work to hit the clubs so he moved right in...

Heather and Oscar Kivic (again Romance, both switched to Family long enough to get engaged & married) got married when Heather discovered she was pregnant after having some fun with Oscar. She comes from money. Oscar came from the wrong side of the tracks but Heather dosen't know that. She also dosen't know he was already cheating on her before she gave birth to twins :P Oscar was quick to knock her up again, thankfully with just 1 boy.

so have you been keeping track?

6 households
5 have twins...

In Total there are 6 sets of twins with one more set on the way *sighs*

...I think that pretty much covers every thing, for now *laughs* I'll probably play again tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

Way cool!! Glad to see the pictures, I'd forgotten what some of these folks looked like.


Anonymous said...

Saw the new link in a MATY posting and followed it here as I enjoy reading your stories. You're very brave taking on that many twins!

mesleepycat said...

:D *hugs yettie*

Thank you eevilcat :) I still can't get over that I ended up with so many twins! *kicks her game*