Monday, January 14, 2008

Post 5: Nauti

Post 5: Nauti

For the moment, Misery is on hold. I may switch back and forth between hoods once Nauti (Naughty) is farther along. After so many hood restarts with the same sims over and over, I need a break from most of them. Hopefully I will be able to get back into playing my sims in Misery ...but I may also just give up Misery totally :P

The Fertile Five (Steve, Mark, Tom, Taz and Willy) and Deuce & CO (Deuce, Micky, Harvey, Bobby and Oscar) are the only sims I moved into Nauti, out of all my old favorites. I may in time move in a few of my favorite females.

In my need to play some new female sims that don't look like any of my old ones - I went into CAS and hit the random dice button a few times, with a couple slight changes to chosen ones, I have three new females to play.

Meet Ruthie Horn, a Romance sim who has been very busy since moving to Nauti.

and Rita Monro, a pleasure sim. She has also been very busy since moving to Nauti.

and Carrie Conway, a Knowledge sim...who is no angel...

I made sure all 3 met the Fertile Five and Ruthie & Rita have also met Deuce & CO. Carrie is next to play. All 3 got pregnant on their first day of living in Nauti ;) I'm playing by Season and Nauti starts on the first day of Summer.

Ruthie now has a little girl (with blond hair) named Stella. Tom turned out to be Stella's daddy. I found out cause he was there when she was born and he got the pacifier over his head. (Ruthie had also woohooed Willy that day). Tom also managed to get Ruthie pregnant again before I remembered to change the ACR try for baby override back to the default setting.

Rita now has a little girl (with red hair) named Trixie. Rita is very outgoing & mean but Trixie is extremely shy & nice. Mark turned out to be Trixie's daddy, which is funny because he is very outgoing & mean too.
I gave in and checked after discovering Tom wasn't her daddy. Tom did Rita first followed by Mark and then Willy. Steve almost did her too but Rita had to get off the bed to run for the bathroom. Mark was allowed to visit after Trixie was born and he knocked Rita up again immediately *laughs* before I switched the ACR TFB override back to the default setting, as I discovered just before I quit playing her on the first day of Fall :P

Carrie is pregnant by either Mark or Tom (she did them in that order). She almost did Harvey too but she had to get off the bed and quickly run for the bathroom.

I'm limiting how many kids they 'try for', there is still a chance of them getting knocked up (by risky woohoo) but they won't be allowed to try anymore. I was going to limit them to 1 and any risky oopsies but since Ruthie and Rita had other plans...I think 2 kids will be plenty, 3 if they get hit with twins on the second pregnancy :P

The women are currently supporting themselves by digging for treasure. They can fish (for food) in the ponds in their yards. Their major expenses are buying stuff for their kids so unless they decide to buy new/better furniture, they will do just fine... of course they'll be extremely happy if they dig up that vase that sells for $4,000 *laughs*


Anonymous said...

The new females are pretty!! And in a different way, I bet they will mix up the genetics really well.


Bubbs said...

When will we get to see their kids?

mesleepycat said...


I'm really looking forward to seeing how the kids turn out. I've played Carrie and she had a brown-haired boy.

I'll post pictures when they become toddlers.

I'm hoping to play tonight but I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning (probably on no or very little sleep)so I may not get to update until tomorrow night.